How to Be the Best Buyer's Agent and Set Yourself Above the Rest

The more effectively you market your buyer’s agent business, the better you will build your brand, attract the right clients and increase profits. Continued growth of those elements is a great signal that everything is working as it should. But where things start to lag, it’s time to pull out the big guns.

1. Understand your buyers
Create personas and avatars so that you can niche down and talk to exactly the right ideal target market. Note that this may well have evolved since your started your business, so it’s essential to capture where exactly the shift has occurred and amend your efforts accordingly. Ensure to roll out any changes through your platforms, tweaking visuals, tone of voice and messaging. Quick Tip: Chat GPT can greatly assist you with this.

2. Podcasting
Providing an avenue for people to hear your voice builds trust in a way quite unlike any other. Prospective clients will get an insight into how you respond to various questions, in what’s generally an unscripted experience. You don’t have to start your own podcast to achieve this goal – look for guest opportunities, then share the recording via your social media platforms, newsletter and website.

3. Embrace ChatGPT
This tech tool can be a game changer when used correctly as a way to help generate content for your buyer’s agent business. You can key in proposed topics for client emails, blog posts or social media, then put your own spin on the wording to ensure it has the human touch. This is particularly handy in terms of time saving, a bonus for the busy professional who wants to connect with established and prospective clients via a number of different avenues.

Harnessing the multiple layers of your marketing strategy need not be onerous and is one of those areas where working smarter not harder really pays off. We’ll help you with all this and more in the Buyer’s Agent Course – join the waitlist today at