Do Mortgage Brokers make great Buyer's Agents?

Mortgage brokers wanting to make the break and become buyer’s agents are already a step ahead of the game with their industry experience.

But to really make yourself stand out as a buyer’s agent of choice, you’ll need to set yourself apart with a highly developed skillset to buy the right property, understand what makes a good deal and appreciate all the nuances of the property purchasing process.

Great mortgage brokers understand how vital it is to build and maintain client relationships – a bonus for those making the change into a buyer’s agent role.

The finely honed negotiation skills you’ve picked up on the job – seeking the best loan terms for clients, for example – are also directly transferable to real estate transactions, particularly when it comes to negotiating on price, contract terms and other conditions.

Your ability to analyse data and cut through marketing hype will be regularly called on during the due diligence stage, helping you to assess swathes of information and know when something isn’t as it should be.

You will have seen the underside of real estate from a finance point of view, but really getting an understanding of the entire property purchasing process from start to finish is also essential to ensure you have a thorough understanding of what client journey looks like.

You’ll learn this and more in our upcoming Buyer’s Agent Course – join the waitlist today.