Using Tech tools to help guide you towards the right investment property location

Technology has revolutionised the way buyer’s agents can purchase the right properties for their clients, including narrowing down on the best property location, understanding potential for future capital appreciation and strong cash flow.

Leveraging the right tech tools in the right way can help provide information about the people that live there, economic indicators for growth and potential long-term gains.

Here’s why they’re so important:

  1. Demographic and Economic Indicators: By using tech, you’ll be able to rapidly convert swathes of information about market trends, rental yields and historic growth rates. The added analysis provided by key tech platforms – and with your own unique insight – will help to identify the next property hot spot and the potential for future capital growth.

  2. Predictive Analytics: Tech works at a far greater pace than you or I could ever imagine – and using predictive analytics, you’ll be able to tap into the kinds of forecasts that until now were previously unimaginable. These tools aren’t foolproof – and require a high degree of human intelligence applied – but they are among the tech tools you should employ to help get the best for your clients.

  3. Comparative Market Analysis: Choosing one property over another can come down to minute details. But how do you even make a shortlist, let alone understand the right way to go? Tech platforms can provide just the analysis you need, from understanding undervalued properties in areas with strong rental demand, to honing in on long-term capital growth prospects.

Understanding how to leverage tech is just one element you’ll need to cover as a buyer’s agent. Learn this and more in our upcoming Buyer’s Agent Course – join the waitlist today.